General Musings

This section is where you'll find my thoughts on life from the eyes of an entrepreneur.  The biggest challenge is balancing the success and obligations that success brings as the more successful one becomes, it seems the more obligations they have to the world.  Feel free to comment as you follow my journey and general musings regarding that journey. 


General Musings on Life & Entreprenuership

"The Banner Brand" Book Signing

(04/11/2012) Mark A. Cenicola

I did my first library book signing on Saturday at the East Flamingo location of the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District’s Spring Fling Book Fair.  Several other local authors attended the event as well.  

While the turnout was as expected (not very high), I still enjoyed the experience.  After all, you can't really expect too many sales when the target audience goes to the library to borrow books for free.  

Selling the book wasn't really the main goal anyway.  The opportunity was in networking with other local authors, hanging out with a good buddy of mine, Phil Simon (I think he sold more books than any other author), branding my company and generating a few leads.  As a matter of fact, several people were interested in the website development services provided by

As I mention in The Banner Brand, there's certainly more to having a book than just selling it.  If a book can lead to other opportunities, then it serves multiple purposes.  In my case, obtaining one customer is equivalent to selling at least 100 books. From a dollar amount, I'd rather sell websites than books.  However, it's nice to have your cake and eat it too.

Another result of this book signing is that it has directly lead to me doing another event.  Hopefully, you can join me at Barnes & Noble in Las Vegas. The exact details and location are being finalized, but it will most likely be on June 9th between 1pm and 4pm at the Barnes & Noble location at 2191 N. Rainbow Blvd.  Check my appearances page for further details to come.

I've posted a few photos of the book signing event.

Phil Simon April 11, 2012 ~ 1:17 PM
hard work
Few things are harder than selling books and, to be fair, Vegas isn't exactly Literary Central. Still, it was a great time, bud.

One Sheet

Mark Cenicola strips away the hype and gives his take on technology and its use in establishing a better business online.

Hard hitting presentations that really get to the core of today's technologically advanced business economy, Mark demonstrates effective strategies for integrating the Internet into a company's operations and giving their website an expanded role in contributing to the success of their business.